Annual General Meeting (NOW CLOSED)
1st August 2018 till 7th August 2018
Location: Online
(Members may make nominations or request business relevant to AGM Meetings on this forum or by email to [email protected] up until 5pm 31st July 2018. This meeting will remain open until 5pm 7th August.
1st August 2018 till 7th August 2018
Location: Online
(Members may make nominations or request business relevant to AGM Meetings on this forum or by email to [email protected] up until 5pm 31st July 2018. This meeting will remain open until 5pm 7th August.
1. Attendance and Apologies | |
2. Transact any other business, written notice of which shall have been available to the Members at least seven (7) days prior to the date of such meeting. 2.1 Vote on Notices of Motion (As Attached). Moved: J.Clapham Seconded: A.Turnbull
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3. Appoint a Returning Officer and two Scrutineers. |
4. Elect Officer Bearers and Members of the Committee. (Notice of Nominations have closed) Nominations from the floor are being taken for the following positions: Vice President Show Manager Welfare Editor Publicity/Fundraising Please email your nomination to [email protected] or use the blog below (Nominations must be seconded by the nominee) | |
5. Confirm the Minutes of the preceding Annual General Meeting.
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6. Receive and adopt the balance sheet and accounts of the Club and the accompanying reports thereon 2016/17 & 2017/18
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7. Appoint an Auditor | |
8. Elect Club Patrons Select maximum of 2 only. (Notice of Nominations have closed) Nominations from the floor are being taken for the following positions: Please email your nomination to [email protected] or use the blog below | |
9. Elect April 2020 & October 2020 Club Show Judges (Notice of Nominations have closed) Nominations from the floor are being taken for the following positions: Please email your nomination to [email protected] or use the blog below | | |
10. Other business
No Other Business has been received by the closing date.
No Other Business has been received by the closing date.
General Meeting (NOW CLOSED)
1st August 2018 till 7th August 2018
Location: Online
(Members may make nominations or request business relevant to GM Meetings on this forum or by email to [email protected] up until 5pm 31st July 2018. This meeting will remain open until 5pm 7th August.
1st August 2018 till 7th August 2018
Location: Online
(Members may make nominations or request business relevant to GM Meetings on this forum or by email to [email protected] up until 5pm 31st July 2018. This meeting will remain open until 5pm 7th August.
1. Attendance and Apologies | |
2. Confirm the Minutes of the preceding General Meeting.
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3. Business Arising from the previous General Meeting Minutes.
(Please use the blog to ask questions relevant to this item)
(Please use the blog to ask questions relevant to this item)
4. Committee Reports 4.1 President 4.2 Vice President 4.3 Secretary 4.4 Treasurer 4.5 Public Officer 4.6 Show Secretary/Manager 4.7 Welfare Officer 4.8 Editor 4.9 Fundraising/Publicity 5. Sub Committee Reports 6. Committee Recomendations 7. Election of new members 8. Vote on and receive Notices of Motion 9. Questions and General Business |